40 Writerly Posts Tagged amusing
You might chuckle.

Nov 9, 20 Getting lost in the code library
Sep 6, 20 Neighbour loses his shit at tech constantly forever
Feb 25, 19 Hi from Christie! An impressive coincidence
Oct 27, 18 The yoo-hoo bird’s exotic identity
Oct 13, 18 Writing too much
Apr 20, 18 Pedantic petard
Dec 15, 17 Pilot tries to make a funny example of me by confiscating my iPhone
May 26, 15 One thing at at time
May 14, 15 Cat holds her ground
May 5, 15 I like to sit at a desk and type
Apr 4, 15 A Manuka Honey Moment
Dec 12, 14 Stupid brain
Aug 26, 14 Test pants
Jul 23, 14 Brains is weird
Jul 21, 14 Fully understand science
Jul 2, 14 Not even light can escape a black cat!
Jun 18, 14 The trouble with answering the phone
Jun 18, 14 Parkinson’s Law of Triviality
Jun 10, 14 Publishing strategery: how my blog-to-book plan went bad
May 17, 14 Giger is dead
Mar 3, 14 So exciting!
Oct 28, 13 “Late for meeting” is a hit
Oct 16, 13 Tomorrow, the world
Sep 3, 13 Half hour run
Jul 28, 13 So unrealistic
Feb 26, 13 “My God … it’s full of tweets …”
Jul 14, 12 Brain tingling
Jul 10, 12 Happy to be alive
Jun 1, 12 Cat not included
Feb 23, 12 School + work = oomph
Jul 15, 11 How I met my wife and she totally thought I was gay
Jun 4, 11 Ice erection
Apr 24, 11 Wading at Buntzen
Feb 23, 11 Deepak Petard
Jan 25, 11 Reservoir Dogs in 60 Seconds
Nov 23, 10 Joss Whedon on the Buffy reboot
Oct 9, 10 "Shrodingers" cat
Oct 7, 10 Pigs fly in frozen hell! Early delivery?!
Sep 18, 10 The craziest thing I have ever found in my salad
Sep 15, 10 One god further