37 Writerly Posts Tagged apps
Apps of any kind, on any platform. Software and user experience.

Oct 8, 21 Blocking YouTube ads
Jun 23, 20 Wanted: A Mac app for repeating to-dos
Jun 16, 20 Impressive machine learning for plant identification
Feb 19, 20 Symlinks finally supported properly by Dropbox (at the expense of handy support for external symlinks)
Dec 28, 18 So many dusty old “apps for that”!
Apr 8, 16 A better activity tracking app for Apple Watch
Dec 9, 15 The Charlie Brown of power users
Oct 2, 14 Speak to me
Sep 19, 14 Zooming along cliffs and sea
Sep 2, 14 Overcast’s Smart Speed: faster podcasts that don’t feel faster
Sep 2, 14 Hyperlapse
May 26, 14 Anatomy of an anatomy course
May 3, 14 Dear Dropbox, You Blew It
Apr 13, 14 Sticker shock
Apr 1, 14 A virtual flea market
Feb 15, 14 Distraction-free writing
Nov 7, 13 Adobe’s installers have made no progress
Dec 20, 12 Mail search and “smart” mailboxes in Mac OS X Lion: the biggest promise and the biggest letdown
Dec 10, 12 So you think you want some AirPlay speakers
Nov 20, 12 Evernote, you’re going the wrong way
Sep 30, 12 Dragon Dictate ★★☆☆☆
Mar 28, 12 F.lux ★★★★★ Perfect little thing
Mar 13, 12 iOS iPhoto ★★☆☆☆ Cryptic, balky, unsynced
Mar 4, 12 xScope ★★★★★
Feb 5, 12 “Natural” beauty
Jan 30, 12 Apple’s Address
Dec 28, 11 Some of Mac OS X Lion’s animations really miss the mark
Dec 4, 11 Finder & Mail: Core apps that still suck in Mac OS X Lion
Mar 31, 11 Solar System Ebook/App for the iPad
Mar 16, 11 Return vs Enter on Facebook
Mar 5, 11 Techspective
Dec 29, 10 Mac Tip: Set a primary email address for a contact
Dec 15, 10 White hot hate for iPhoto 9
Dec 3, 10 Rage HD ★★★★☆ How do they get all those mutants in there?
Nov 5, 10 IMDb app micro-review
Sep 25, 10 Evernote: all your text are belong to us