24 Writerly Posts Tagged inbox
In addition to all the usual spam, I get a lot of nutty hate-email…

Jul 22, 20 That “troll” might just be a kid
May 23, 20 The Illuminati has invited me to join them at last
Mar 11, 19 Weirdest refund request yet
Jun 27, 18 Lame marketing and AI
Oct 3, 17 I need to talk to you
Apr 15, 17 Fuck you, namaste!
Dec 1, 16 “Long story short” never is
Sep 15, 15 Dam sure SEO
Apr 5, 15 Weirdest fan mail ever
Dec 9, 14 I curse you in the name of Jesus!
Jul 21, 14 Fully understand science
Jul 19, 14 It slices, it dices!
Jun 18, 14 The trouble with answering the phone
Apr 3, 14 Cursed! Cosmic malice on a small scale
Mar 3, 14 “Sent from Broca’s Area”
Oct 24, 13 Hotmail haters
Sep 29, 13 Argumentum superiorum
Aug 22, 13 Unflappable
Jan 8, 13 Ignoring hate mail
Sep 18, 12 Happy to know you from internet
Jun 22, 12 Today’s hate/hug mail
May 15, 12 The rest of the internet is full of it!
Aug 13, 11 Nutty hate mail from a massage therapist