25 Writerly Posts Tagged rationality
Posts about thinking as a skill, and how thinking and reasoning works.

Dec 18, 20 I get it
Jul 22, 20 That “troll” might just be a kid
May 31, 20 The coyotes won’t scare
Nov 4, 16 If you’re dumb…
Apr 14, 15 You’re overthinking this
Dec 19, 14 Hindsight horrors
May 17, 14 Casuistry
Sep 29, 13 Commenting is not a civil right
Sep 29, 13 Argumentum superiorum
Sep 28, 13 Satire blindness
Sep 28, 13 JAQing off
Feb 13, 13 One of the biggest boners in ethical philosophy
Dec 10, 11 Magical thinking in medicine, then and now
Nov 11, 11 Assume I know everything
Sep 23, 11 Not exactly “shocked”
Sep 20, 11 The straw man of climate change denial
Aug 11, 11 Save “beg the question”!
Jun 1, 11 Belief comes quickly
Apr 23, 11 Mind-changing
Mar 2, 11 What do you think science is?
Jan 16, 11 Just how open?
Oct 3, 10 It is quite challenging
Jan 10, 10 Experts