74 Writerly Posts Tagged science

Jul 15, 21 Carl Sagan’s Star Wars criticisms
May 29, 21 An impossibly old star
May 5, 21 Relativistic star systems
Jan 19, 21 Why so massive?
Nov 20, 20 Dwarf galaxies are my new favourite thing in astronomy
Sep 14, 20 A new type of Goldilocks zone for life
Sep 3, 20 Best sprite photo I have seen so far
Aug 21, 20 SETI marches on
Aug 8, 20 The “asymps” are driving the pandemic
Jun 16, 20 “Books” so bad they don’t deserve the name
May 31, 20 Beating the “wrong” out of science writing
Feb 25, 19 Hi from Christie! An impressive coincidence
Nov 28, 18 Deep view of Andromeda galaxy beautifully shows the vastness of space
Aug 10, 18 Gaps between galaxies versus solar systems
Jul 12, 18 First-rate sci-fi
Apr 14, 18 Seeing stars
Mar 30, 18 A true oddball of a galaxy
Dec 1, 16 Decades of average satellite imagery of global cloud cover
Nov 7, 16 The illusion of knowing
Mar 7, 16 Cold or flu? There’s no way to know
Oct 16, 15 Actually maybe aliens at work: the plausibility of stellar-scale alien engineering
Jun 22, 15 A breakdown of trust in science
Mar 14, 15 The Secret Anarchy of Science
Feb 15, 15 Huge, gorgeous astronomy photos
Nov 23, 14 AAS on The Shirt
Nov 14, 14 Beauty shots
Nov 5, 14 SPLAIN TIME PLZ!!!
Jul 21, 14 Fully understand science
Jun 29, 14 Midnight sun selfie
May 3, 14 After antibiotics
Apr 28, 14 This ain’t over
Apr 24, 14 Like gecko feet!
Mar 3, 14 “Sent from Broca’s Area”
Feb 7, 14 Creepy medical tour of the past
Oct 24, 13 Pseudo-science is all grown up
Jul 11, 13 The Tunguska explosion explained!
Mar 30, 13 The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food
Jan 11, 13 Fix the file-drawer effect!
Jan 9, 13 Giant squid filmed
Dec 14, 12 It’s science
Aug 19, 12 Gabriola sandstone & glamour
Aug 6, 12 Martian bandwidth
Jun 12, 12 Torturing data
Jun 6, 12 The knowledge gap
Apr 19, 12 Astronomy hobby rebooted!
Mar 25, 12 The deep cosmos at 264 pixels per inch: a monster astrophoto on the new iPad
Feb 23, 12 School + work = oomph
Feb 5, 12 History of Medical Discoveries
Jan 2, 12 What the actual fuck, biology?
Dec 28, 11 Galileo, the first modern scientist
Dec 26, 11 Being a geek
Nov 23, 11 Subatomic comets
Sep 23, 11 The far side of Saturn
Sep 23, 11 Not exactly “shocked”
Aug 19, 11 Southern Gulf Islands
Jun 4, 11 Ice erection
May 10, 11 Canyon
May 1, 11 A SETI Infographic: Priorities of the Human Species
Mar 31, 11 Solar System Ebook/App for the iPad
Mar 31, 11 The Known Universe
Mar 2, 11 What do you think science is?
Feb 14, 11 The roundest object in the world
Dec 24, 10 The worst that can happen is we can all die in the food riots!
Dec 24, 10 An Alien Earth in the Oceans
Nov 28, 10 Australian science priorities
Nov 21, 10 Astronaut describes the view in more detail than we usually get
Oct 22, 10 My favourite Sagan quote
Oct 14, 10 Immune strength
Sep 17, 10 Scientists have better things to do than debate “intelligent design”